Show Up For Yourself

I love that self-care has become more than just a buzzword, especially for women. I mean, we are really out here protecting our peace and taking time for ourselves to just refuel and refill our cups unapologetically. There was a time not too long ago that women were judged or felt guilty for taking a moment just to breathe without interruption. I especially struggled with understanding that I need moments just for me, not as wife, nor as mom, or as the HR lady.

Self-care is often associated with mental clarity, pampering, and physical health, but I think sometimes we leave out simply just showing up for ourselves. To me, that’s half the battle. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be great. We get laser focused on our goals and responsibilities, so we forget about the little things that helps to keep us going. Instead, we fall into the habit of practicing self-care based on social trends because it’s in our face and on our timelines.

Y’all, every morning before work I pack my lunch, my snacks, and my reusable water bottle. Yet, I can still go the whole day while sitting at my desk without a bite to eat or a sip of water because I’m too busy with work. Showing up for myself is eating my lunch. It’s acknowledging the notification from my Apple watch to stand up, so that I can grab some water and a snack. Showing up for myself is prioritizing my health over responding to just one more email because the work will still be there after I take a break. Now, I know that’s easier said than done for many of us, but it’s seriously the small things that are making the greatest impact on how we practice self-care. Because you can believe that by the time I get home from work, I’m dehydrated, tired, and hangry, which means I’m no good to myself or my family.

So, let’s talk.

How do you practice self-care? Is it focused only on days that you have hours to yourself to unpack and unwind? Or are you showing up for yourself in the small ways that can positively affect you on a more daily basis?

Listen. There is no wrong answer when it comes to taking care of yourself because only you know what you need to refuel. Yoga & meditation, going to therapy, healthy eating, removing negative people from your circle, pampering yourself, reading a book, binging your favorite shows, ladies night, date night. . . options are endless. However, don’t take for granted those routine things we often forget about that makes our day easier and gives us peace of mind. Showing up for yourself is listening to your body and your mind, recognizing what you need, then acting on it in the moment. But most importantly, self-care is doing what feels good to you. So no matter what, keep going. You got this!

Tiarra 💜

2 thoughts on “Show Up For Yourself

  1. So true cousin. I am better at this but still working on it. I drown out my emotions scrolling facebook. I do i between meetings or conference calls and it has spilled into my evenings. I started noticing it was hours and i just sat scrolling. So, i have mindful minutes now. I get up, i walk, i go to the gym but i consciously put my phone away in the evening for at least two hours. I loved this blog. Keep it up.

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